aaus-list @ ukrainianstudies.org -- [aaus-list] CfP: Far Right Networks in Eastern Europe,Uppsala 25.-27.3.10 (1.2.)

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Far right networks in Northern and Eastern Europe
Conference at the Uppsala University, Sweden
March 25-27 2010

Programme, Sessions/papers, Accommodation and Map at: 

Ever since the fall of the wall dividing Eastern and Western Europe, networks of far-right groups have proliferated. New generations of activists have made use of new organizational and technical tools to recruit. During recent years informal organizational patterns and an increasing reliance on different parts of the internet – the World Wide Web, News-groups, e-mail lists, Youtube, social forums and chat rooms – have increased the general exposure to different kinds of hate and prejudiced propaganda.

Among the invited speakers are:

Heléne Lööw, Department of History, Uppsala University. Her publications include the two-band Nazismen i Sverige (Nazism in Sweden; 1998/2003), and The cultic milieu : oppositional subcultures in an age of globalization / edited by Jeffrey Kaplan and Heléne Lööw, Altamira Press: Walnut Creek 2002.

Andreas Klärner, Institut für Soziologie und Demographie, University of Rostock. His publications include: Zwischen Militanz und Bürgerlichkeit: Selbstverständnis und Praxis der extremen Rechten, Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 2008. This book is the best example to date of in-depth studies of new organizational developments among neo-nazi groups in Germany.

Ralf Wiederer, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. His publications include Zur virtuellen Vernetzung des internationalen Rechtsextremismus, Centaurus Verlag, Herbolzheim, 2007, which is a both sociologically and technically groundbreaking study of how far-right groups on the internet connect and interact.

The Department of history at the Uppsala University invites scholars and students to participate in a three day conference on far right and neo-nazi networks. Both session and paper suggestions are welcomed, and should be directed to Mats.Deland@hist.uu.se. Deadlines are:

Sessions: January 15th, 2010.

Papers: Abstracts: February 1st, 2010; Drafts March 1st, 2010. 

You are also welcome to send paper abstracts that do not connect to any of the accepted sessions.

Both sessions and papers will be published on the web, in order of acceptance.

A fee of €50 will be charged of all participants, excluding specially invited speakers and session organisers. This fee will include a reception, lunches and refreshments. If possible, travel and accommodation will be subsidized for undergraduates. More information about these things, and a preliminary programme, will be published in early February.

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